
The need to use enhanced and active treatments for crosswalks was brought to the forefront in a 2005 report from FHWA that examined 1000 marked and 1000 unmarked crosswalks. The study in question concluded that, in some cases, a marked crosswalk alone was more dangerous than having no crosswalk at all. Since this landmark report, many enhancements have been developed including the RRFB, in-roadway signs at crosswalks, raised crosswalks, and Hawk Signals. The use of the RRFB has become widespread due to the effectiveness of the device and the relatively low cost.

Rendering courtesy of Alta Planning + Design

Rendering courtesy of Alta Planning + Design.

The widespread use of RRFBs is due to their high effectiveness and relatively low cost, with applications on median islands a prime example of the versatility of the RRFB. We offer advanced LED-enhanced traffic signs, 24-hour flashing beacons, and Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons to cover a wide array of different applications; RRFBs, for example, are implemented at uncontrolled intersections, midblock crosswalks, trail crossings, school crossings, and cycling corridors, as we outline in our design resources.

Here at Availed Technologies, we are dedicated to the research, design, and implementation of RRFBs.  As a team, our collective 25+ years of experience in the Solar LED Industry means that we have the knowledge, skill set, and passion necessary to deliver products that stand the test of time. Our line of Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons, LED stop signs, and other flashing beacons are represented by some of the most trusted experts in the field and supportive industry-leading partners.

With a focus on power-efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and reliability, our approach combines the care of a local business with the cutting-edge products you have come to expect from thought leaders in pedestrian safety. The goal of Availed Technologies is simple: to design and manufacture only the best RRFB, flashing beacon, and LED traffic signs on the market today.

RRFBs are frequently used in “safe route to school” initiatives, streetscape projects, and pedestrian improvement projects across North America… and have been proven to increase vehicle yielding rates at crosswalks by over 90%. Our products feature a high-efficiency design built exclusively for RRFB operation, time-saving universal mounting brackets that are compatible with all pole types, lightweight solar engines, simple installation, and unmatched operating performance.

Contact us today for RRFB product support and general queries.