Learn More About RRFB’s in Our Blog

Understanding the New Inclusion of RRFB Guidelines in the MUTCD’s 11th Edition

The 11th Edition of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices…

10 Do’s and Don’ts of RRFBs: Your Ultimate Guide

Below you will find the top 10 “do’s and don'ts" of using…
Crosswalk with two Availed RRFB poles on a sunny day. A castle-like house stands majestically in the background.

Specifying RRFBs – The Essentials

This article provides the essential Performance Requirements…

CDOT Approves Availed Technologies’ AV-400 RRFB for Safer Colorado Crosswalks

Availed Technologies is proud to announce that our AV-400 Rectangular…

Towards a Safer Ride: The Role of RRFB Crosswalks in Bikeway Designs

In recent years, municipalities across the globe have been increasingly…

Exploring the Impact of Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons in Rural and Small Communities

In a world increasingly concerned with road safety, Rectangular…

Altitude Signal: Availed Technologies’ Trusted Distributor Partner

We recently had the opportunity to sit down with Altitude Signal…

Availed AV-400 RRFB Now Approved for Use in Georgia Transportation Projects

We are thrilled to announce that the Availed AV-400 Rectangular…

Exploring the Latest Update on MUTCD: Proposed Inclusion of RRFBs in Chapter 4L

Update: As of November 19, 2023, the 11th Edition of the MUTCD…
Highlighter yellow Availed RRFB school crossing sign with arrow, with a tree and blue sky in background.

Availed Technologies Has Been Approved by Oregon DOT

We are happy to announce that the Availed AV-400 Rectangular…

Availed Technologies – Now on the BC Recognized Products List

Here at Availed Technologies, we’re proud to announce that…

MassDOT RRFB Approval Announcement

At Availed Technologies, we’re thrilled to announce that the…

Guidelines and Warrant Processes for Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons

If you are looking for in-depth info on the guidelines and warrant…

RRFBs in the Next MUTCD

Update: As of November 19, 2023, the 11th Edition of the MUTCD…

The Importance of Versatility and Standardization in RRFBs

Have you heard about the importance of versatility and standardization…

What to Know About the Power of Solar RRFB Systems

How much do you know about the power of solar RRFB systems? In…

What to Know About the Safe Transportation for Every Pedestrian (STEP) Program

Today’s blog is your comprehensive rundown of what to know…